zbi implant skillZ™ Series

Skill Development Kit - Site Preservation Therapy

This zbi implant skillZ Series allows restorative clinicians to start on the road to competency with regenerative therapy. This program emphasizes extraction socket preservation. The curriculum begins with a series of three (3) self-study webcasts, followed by a skill development module with hands-on exercises for learning various socket preservation techniques.


Virtual Program Series | Flexibility and Accessibility through Virtual and Hands-On Learning


Skill Development Kit - Site Preservation Therapy

This zbi implant skillZ Series allows restorative clinicians to start on the road to competency with regenerative therapy. This program emphasizes extraction socket preservation. The curriculum begins with a series of three (3) self-study webcasts, followed by a skill development module with hands-on exercises for learning various socket preservation techniques.


$99* Course Fee Includes:
Modules 1-3: Self-Study Virtual Programs
  • Module 1: The Technology of Grafting Materials | Dr. Elnaz Ajami
  • Module 2: Utilizing Form and Function as a Means for Achieving Predictable Hard- and Soft-Tissue Regeneration | Dr. Rodrigo Neiva
  • Module 3: Implant Site Development with Single-Tooth Extractions: Anterior vs. Posterior | Dr. Suheil Boutros
  • Module 4: Hands-on Socket Preservation (Rep-Led Hands-On) | Dr. Suheil Boutros


*Course Fee Includes: Three Self-Study Virtual Modules followed by a locally delivered Rep-Led Hands-on Module.

Module 1: The Technology of Grafting Materials

Web-Based Program | Dr. Elnaz Ajami

Headshot of Elnaz Ajami

Program Description:

This program will review the chemical and physical properties of various regenerative materials to assist clinicians in selecting the best materials to meet the clinical need of the patient. A review of various grafting materials will be presented to provide a working knowledge in the selection of the most optimal bone graft material or membrane for a given defect or clinical scenario, including how processing methods may affect treatment outcomes.

Module 2: Utilizing Form and Function as a Means for Achieving Predictable Hard- and Soft-Tissue Regeneration

Web-Based Program | Dr. Rodrigo Neiva

Headshot of Rodrigo Nieva

Program Description:

Oral tissue-regeneration techniques and materials have changed during the last 20 years and have significantly changed the practice of implant and reconstructive dentistry. Focus has been given to achieving dimensional gains of both hard and soft tissues resulting in substantial improvements in aesthetic outcomes. However, limited attention has been given to the quality of the regenerated tissues. The role of both hard and soft tissue scaffolds during regenerative procedures will be discussed, along with how they can potentially impact tissue quality and improve outcomes.

Module 3: Implant Site Development with Single-Tooth Extractions: Anterior vs. Posterior

Web-Based Program | Dr. Suheil Boutros

Headshot of Dr. Suheil Boutros

Program Description:

Alveolar bone preservation following tooth extraction has become the gold standard in dental implants. The ideal timing for socket preservation is at the time of tooth extraction, yet very often this opportunity is missed resulting in an aesthetic deformity of the hard and soft tissues. Extraction socket classification will be highlighted, and the decision tree for immediate versus delayed implant placement will be discussed. This presentation will review the importance of atraumatic tooth extraction and the rationale for using different biologics. A novel, simple and predictable method of ridge preservation following tooth extraction using the socket repair membrane will be demonstrated in a step-by-step fashion.

Module 4: Hands-on Socket Preservation

Rep-Led Hands-On | Dr. Suheil Boutros

Headshot of Dr. Suheil Boutros

Program Description:

The ideal timing for socket preservation is at the time of tooth extraction, yet very often this opportunity is missed resulting in an aesthetic deformity of the hard and soft tissues. In this program, participants will be guided through socket preservation techniques for different types of defects. The importance of atraumatic tooth extraction and the rationale, for which biologics may best fit the clinical situation, will be reviewed. Three simple and predictable methods of ridge preservation following tooth extraction using graft particulate with different membranes will be demonstrated in a step-by-step fashion. Suture techniques to stabilize the graft/membrance, as well as to obtain primary closure of the extraction sites, will be demonstrated.


Skillz Intro to Regenerative Therapy Socket Preservation

Skill Development Kit - Site Preservation Therapy

This zbi implant skillZ Series allows restorative clinicians to start on the road to competency with regenerative therapy.

Contact us at 1-800-717-4143 or institute@zimmerbiomet.com


Zimmer Biomet Dental is an ADA CERP recognized provider. ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry. Concerns or complaints about a CE provider may be directed to the provider or to the Commission for Continuing Education Provider Recognition at ADA.org/CERP.
REGISTRATION AND CANCELLATION POLICY: Registration is limited to practicing clinicians. Zimmer Biomet Dental reserves the right to cancel or substitute this program.
DISCLAIMER: Participants must always be aware of the hazards of using limited knowledge in integrating new techniques or procedures into their practice. Only sound evidence-based dentistry should be used in patient therapy. The information in this course is of a general nature and does not represent or constitute medical advice or recommendations and is for dental education purposes only. Zimmer Biomet Dental does not practice medicine or dentistry. Each clinician should exercise his or her own independent judgment in the diagnosis and treatment of an individual patient, and this course and information does not purport to replace the comprehensive training clinicians have received.
Unless otherwise indicated, as referenced herein, all trademarks are the property of Zimmer Biomet; and all products are manufactured by one or more of the dental subsidiaries of Zimmer Biomet Holdings, Inc., and distributed and marketed by Zimmer Biomet Dental (and, in the case of distribution and marketing, its authorized marketing partners). ADA CERP is a registered trademark of the American Dental Association. For additional product information, please refer to the individual product labeling or instructions for use. Product clearance and availability may be limited to certain countries/regions. This material is intended for clinicians only and does not comprise medical advice or recommendations. This material may not be copied or reprinted without the express written consent of Zimmer Biomet Dental.