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Puros® Cancellous Dowel Allograft
The Power Of Puros Allografts
The Natural Choice For Healthy1 Bone Growth.
- Proven, Predictable Regeneration
- Natural And Easy To Use
- Tutoplast® Process
The Unique Tutoplast Process
For over 40 years, Tutoplast processed tissues have been used in more than five million procedures.
- Sterilized and preserved using the proprietary Tutoplast process, Puros Block Allograft offers a high-quality option for successful bone regeneration.10
- Retains osteoconductive properties due to the preservation of the natural bone matrix collagen and mineral composition, trabecular pattern, original porosity.13
Features & Benefits
- Proven, Predictable Regeneration
Acts as an osteoconductive scaffold for new bone formation.2–3
- Natural And Easy To Use
Retains osteoconductive properties due to the preservation of the natural bone matrix collagen and mineral composition, trabecular pattern, and original porosity,2–3 enabling the ingrowth of vascular and cellular connective tissue.7
- Tutoplast® Process
Sterilized and preserved using the proprietary Tutoplast process, Puros Cancellous Particulate is a high-quality allograft designed for large and small volume bone regeneration procedures.
For Customers Based in France
To Place Your Order, Please Contact Novomedics France
ZimVie Logistics Services Partner (ANSM authorized tissue bank, license number FR05702T)
Tel: +33 (3) 87 64 23 01 | Fax: +33 (9) 70 60 11 58
4, rue La Fayette, 57000 Metz, France
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