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CuztomGraft Solutions™ for Guided Bone Regeneration
PEEK AccuraPlate is designed using a fully digital workflow. Data from 3D medical imaging devices combined with modern Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software and state-of-the-art Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) processes result in a high-quality customized medical device for guided bone regeneration procedures.10
Design and Order Process
Data Submission for AccuraPlate Products
- Fill in the product request form (online or using form ZB1280) and transfer together with CT/CBCT data (DICOM format required) using ZimVie Dental’s upload website: www.zbd-fileupload.com.
ZimVie Institute
We offer world-class educational opportunities.
Our specialty courses focus on current and emerging dental procedures, technology and products, empowering you to exceed the needs of your patients and your practice.
Your Benefits
ZimVie PEEK AccuraPlates Have the Following Features:
1. Pre-Planned Fixation Screw Positions
For reliable fixation. Reduces the risk of touching sensitive anatomical structures11
2. Sterile Packaged – Ready for Use
10-S6 terility Assurance level of 10
3. Space Maintaining
Protects and secures bone graft particulates for undisturbed healing10
4. Reduced Surgery Time and Morbidity
Additional manual adjustment of the defect and of the PEEK AccuraPlate is seldom required, allowing for reduced surgery time and reduced morbidity12
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